Vouch OnlyFor recruitment inquiries:
The Dog Fort [05:25:58] Purple Lamborghini > Heads up shitload of dreads coming in
[21:38:03] Gimora > Everyone is CEO of Dog fort, thats what makes it amazing.
[23:35:13] REQUIEMSORN > oh dogfort
[23:35:24] REQUIEMSORN > you\'ll never change
[23:13:06] Paradox Nine > so, I went online to find your corp website and well came up to a porn site since your link is broken
Kill: Aniketos Mikel (Viator) [23:40:46] Mapache Doom > #360noscan
Exporting Culture since 2012.
The \u201chippo helicopter\u201d is so much worse than it sounds. Despite their big teeth, hippopotami are sort of cute and snuggly, right? Well, not when they\u2019re mating. Evidently, competition for females is fierce, so the males have to go the extra mile to attract their mates. How does the male do this? By simultaneously defecating and urinating while spinning his tail like a rotor, flinging the mixture far and wide. Apparently the females love this sexy display. Although I guess it\u2019s better than the giraffe ritual of tasting urine.
(4:17:07 AM) Praesus Lecti: ahh..it\'s time to enjoy some pudding. And when I say enjoy, I of course mean slathering it all over my body and sliding around the living room on plastic sheeting.
[22:54:44] Spatula King > dogfort is worse than 4chan
[22:56:46] Alfius Togra > Dog Fort, best Fort (they didn\'t have to buy their fort from some quistling bitch Volt quitters)
For all complaints and applications for CEO please contact:
Asher Elias'