BAT is much more than just a corp, we are a gaming community spanning different games and genres; from first person shooters to racing sims we have a diverse playerbase. We are looking for freindly people to join our corp, BAT.Empire - BAT's Eve contingent, and get involved with our community as a whole.
We play eve in a relaxed fun loving attitude and offer a variety of insentives, including POS and BP's for a host of goodies and fun. We are currently recruiting all types of players; from mission runners to industrialists, from all the corners of the globe, old and new all we ask is that u have a full account and speak a bit of english.
If your intrested just visit our website and check us out or give anyone a hollar in Eve. (contacts below)
We also use Teamspeak - found at - and have a dedicated public server. just ask for the IP and password.
Thanks and pleasent skies,