Alliance Share

The East India Co.
Name The East India Co.
Ticker EICO
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-11-13
Closed 2014-06-26
AllianceID 99002637





CEO: Sslink | Kr0nin
Head Diplo: Meandeane651

Diplomatic channel: EICO PUB

General recruitment of corporations is currently CLOSED.

When recruitment is open we typically look for corporations who:

A) Have 50+ members.
B) Are active PVP'ers.
C) Have good attitudes and want to function as part of a team.
D) Share our desire to enjoy the game in a fun, drama free environment, while we kick ass, break shit, and kill people.

Tl;dr: Fleet up, kill shit, and don't be a douche bag.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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