Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of systems [69]

    Alliance Systems Members Corps
1. Pandemic Horde Pandemic Horde Show on universe map525 50093 153
2. Fraternity. Fraternity. Show on universe map335 41343 191
3. Goonswarm Federation Goonswarm Federation Show on universe map260 52662 632
4. Northern Coalition. Northern Coalition. Show on universe map187 2555 35
5. The Initiative. The Initiative. Show on universe map121 20199 96
6. Brave Collective Brave Collective Show on universe map102 8449 86
7. Sigma Grindset Sigma Grindset Show on universe map99 3338 32
8. Solyaris Chtonium Solyaris Chtonium Show on universe map86 4520 46
9. Deepwater Hooligans Deepwater Hooligans Show on universe map79 1602 14
10. Dracarys. Dracarys. Show on universe map75 4335 69
11. Fanatic Legion. Fanatic Legion. Show on universe map60 1627 18
12. Legion of xXDEATHXx Legion of xXDEATHXx Show on universe map52 2425 32
13. Shadow Ultimatum Shadow Ultimatum Show on universe map43 2161 61
14. Siberian Squads Siberian Squads Show on universe map43 1982 26
15. Siege Green. Siege Green. Show on universe map39 1133 15
16. Synergy of Steel Synergy of Steel Show on universe map32 2327 28
17. OnlyFleets. OnlyFleets. Show on universe map29 1102 14
18. Invidia Gloriae Comes Invidia Gloriae Comes Show on universe map26 2174 34
19. Brotherhood of Spacers Brotherhood of Spacers Show on universe map26 1828 24
20. Curatores Veritatis Alliance Curatores Veritatis Alliance Show on universe map24 630 24
21. LinkNet LinkNet Show on universe map21 1571 13
22. Banderlogs Alliance Banderlogs Alliance Show on universe map20 635 6
23. Test Alliance Please Ignore Test Alliance Please Ignore Show on universe map19 3817 47
24. Pandemic Legion Pandemic Legion Show on universe map19 2398 14
25. Caladrius Alliance Caladrius Alliance Show on universe map19 1223 10
26. STAKAN UNIVERSE STAKAN UNIVERSE Show on universe map19 79 13
27. SONS of BANE SONS of BANE Show on universe map18 1206 25
28. DECOY DECOY Show on universe map17 387 6
29. Stellae Renascitur Stellae Renascitur Show on universe map16 1325 16
30. Out of the Blue. Out of the Blue. Show on universe map16 695 18
31. Mohist Alliance Mohist Alliance Show on universe map15 1703 19
32. RAZOR Alliance RAZOR Alliance Show on universe map14 1731 48
33. Get Off My Lawn Get Off My Lawn Show on universe map14 1024 17
34. Red Alliance Red Alliance Show on universe map14 620 38
35. Death or Glory Death or Glory Show on universe map14 518 11
36. Black Rose. Black Rose. Show on universe map13 704 14
37. GameTheory GameTheory Show on universe map13 594 6
38. No Value No Value Show on universe map12 1074 23
39. SL0W CHILDREN AT PLAY SL0W CHILDREN AT PLAY Show on universe map10 1444 28
40. D3ad End D3ad End Show on universe map10 169 7
41. Ferrata Victrix Ferrata Victrix Show on universe map9 1194 18
42. Phoenix Cartel. Phoenix Cartel. Show on universe map8 235 6
43. Naval Defence Alliance Naval Defence Alliance Show on universe map8 156 6
44. Absolute Will Absolute Will Show on universe map7 3727 42
45. Apocalypse Now. Apocalypse Now. Show on universe map7 713 22
46. Reeloaded. Reeloaded. Show on universe map7 546 15
47. Insidious. Insidious. Show on universe map7 418 10
48. Kuggar was here Kuggar was here Show on universe map7 12 3
49. Sylvanas Super mercenary Sylvanas Super mercenary Show on universe map6 1367 18
50. East Wind. East Wind. Show on universe map6 1121 24
51. Outsmarted Outsmarted Show on universe map6 489 11
52. Now You're Gone Now You're Gone Show on universe map6 452 18
53. Bright Side of Death Bright Side of Death Show on universe map6 163 10
54. Great Wildlands Conservation Society Great Wildlands Conservation Society Show on universe map5 629 12
55. Blood Drive Blood Drive Show on universe map5 545 20
56. Hell March. Hell March. Show on universe map5 355 3
57. GF Company GF Company Show on universe map5 272 11
58. The-Expanse The-Expanse Show on universe map5 169 14
59. xXPlease Pandemic Citizens Reloaded Alliance.Xx xXPlease Pandemic Citizens Reloaded Alliance.Xx Show on universe map5 144 8
60. Rowle Industries Rowle Industries Show on universe map5 2 1
61. Good Sax Good Sax Show on universe map4 808 15
62. FuriaHispana. FuriaHispana. Show on universe map3 579 7
63. Astral Alliance Astral Alliance Show on universe map3 387 16
64. What Could Possibly Go Wr0ng What Could Possibly Go Wr0ng Show on universe map3 368 26
65. True Reign True Reign Show on universe map3 218 19
66. Sportmodel Sportmodel Show on universe map3 169 8
67. Guardians of Tranquility Guardians of Tranquility Show on universe map2 355 3
68. DRAKE LAIR. DRAKE LAIR. Show on universe map1 35 2
69. Regnum Astera Regnum Astera Show on universe map1 15 3
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