Alliance Share

Firesworn Tactical
Name Firesworn Tactical
Ticker PYR0S
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-05-13
Closed 2014-10-30
AllianceID 99004442





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Firesworn Tactical is the sister alliance of Firesworn Nation. We PvP in factional warfare; provide defense and strategic support to our sister alliance, coalition partners, and shared resources; explore and live in wormholes; and go on roams through lowsec, often with reckless abandon.

We are governed by a simple, central tenet: to only shoot at those who can shoot back at us.

About Us:
- About Firesworn Tactical
- Murderboard

Diplomacy and Recruitment:
- Firesworn Embassy (Chat)
- Applying to Firesworn Tactical
- Contact Ulf Edbane or

Advice for New Players:
- Common Scams in Eve Online
- Defensive and Offensive Warfare Tactics
- PvP Starter Skill Plan Guide
- Flying Smart in Eve Online

While the space has an end in sight,
Its darkness is cold and it blinds,
Here's where our heroes reside,
On a quest that's larger than life,
Driven neither by greed nor by power,
They are knights of the light and mystical fire,
On a crusade against those that darkness empowers.

Your wars do not scare us,
Nor do your ships or hatred of us,
Our path we will keep,
No matter the keep,
Our head highly worn,
Because we're not forsworn,
But Firesworn.

Social Media:
- Facebook
- Google+
- Steam
- Twitter
- Youtube

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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