About DOTLAN EveMaps

This page uses vector based maps (SVG for for Firefox/Safari/Chrome and VML for Internet Explorer) to display the maps. All maps are available as PDF Download (Print!) and as GIF Image. Sovereignty and occupancy data gets updated approx. every hour. The maps are focused to be clean and easily readable with the most important information for fleet roaming and planning. They contain daily sovereignty and outpost information for your favourite 0.0 regions. Occupancy information for factional warfare is also included.

Additional to the regional maps, DOTLAN EveMaps is packed with all kind of informations around Eve Online's universe called New Eden. Informations about regions and their systems, current and past alliances including their corporations aswell as the current and historical situation of occupied factionwarfare or sovereignty in the harsh nullsec territory.

With over 1.2m visitors and 8mil+ page impressions each month (March 2011, Google Analytics), DOTLAN EveMaps is hosted on his own server and completly optimized for speed while beeing gently to traffic usage. Keeping an eye and paying attention to all parts (simplicity, clearness, maps, database, server setup, page optimization) is the key to the success of DOTLAN EveMaps.

Contact me

In order to contact me, feel free to send me an evemail (ingame) or email (outofgame). A complete list of contact informations is listed below.

CEO:Daniel Hoffend
In Game:Wollari
Blog:Write a comment in my blog
Twitter:@Wollari (Follow me on twitter for updates)

Privacy Policy

  • DOTLAN EveMaps collects the usual (ip, browser, url, date) information provided by the webserver logs.
  • The tool Google Analytics is used to provide an in-depth analysis on current live and monthly usage
  • Cookies will be used to provide the best user expierence possible. Not only for login, but also for storing your navigation settings more. Google Analytics also uses cookies to track and identify users.
  • User accounts can be created and used to personalize the usage of DOTLAN EveMaps. You can use various 3rd party pages (like Facebook, Eve Online SSO, etc) to simplify user logins.

The full privacy policy according to GDPR can be found here

CCP Copyright Notice

EVE Online and the EVE logo are the registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights are reserved worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. CCP hf. has granted permission to DOTLAN EveMaps to use EVE Online and all associated logos and designs for promotional and information purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not in any way affiliated with, DOTLAN EveMaps. CCP is in no way responsible for the content on or functioning of this website, nor can it be liable for any damage arising from the use of this website.


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