

A Drunken Squirrels' Conspiracy for Revenge
Name A Drunken Squirrels' Conspiracy for Revenge
Ticker OURAS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo The Golden Serpent
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98564065

Members [2]


u'1325\u201375; Middle English squirel < Anglo-French escuirel (Old French escuireul) \u226a Vulgar Latin *sc\u016brellus, *sc\u016briolus, representing Latin sciurus (< Greek sk\xedouros literally, shadow-tailed (ski(\xe1) shadow + -ouros, adj. derivative of our\xe1 tail); apparently so called because the tail was large enough to provide shade for the rest of the animal) with diminutive suffixes -ellus, -olus'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-23 09:13:30
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