

Barefist Pikey's House Renovation's
Name Barefist Pikey's House Renovation's
Ticker PIHOL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Pikeys-CEO
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98427851

Members [1]



From the English word " turnpike " a place where itinerent thieves and travellers would camp near a settlement.

Pikey is not a racial group but a term to describe anyone who lives in a caravan or shares the same values and culture of the " travelling " community, whose main sources of income are as follows...

Stealing cars , flogging rose's in Pubs for children's charities , nicking lead off roofs , burgling garden sheds , doing dodgy tarmac jobs ( we've got some left over from a job up the road we work for the council ) using Mint imperials to substitute for white chippings , or reportedly using dirt to lay slabs when the sand runs out. Stealing your bollocks if they wern't in a bag and anything else thats's not nailed down and will fit in the back of an untaxed Transit when no one's looking.

Characterized by lurchers on a piece of string ( aka Snatch ) speaking an unintelligable language and burbling a penchant for hair coursing , ketamine , lighter fuel , fighting in pubs and shopping at Lidl.

Best avoided !!!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-16 08:28:25
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