Goats 'n Unicorns:Work like a Captain, Play like a PirateWho we are:-An actively growing, ambitious, but new-player-friendly corporation.
-We have a few demands to your activity level; you are online at least once a month, and you are willing to join our discord, so you can stay updated on the corp. activities, news and all the latest gossip! :D
-That being said, we are still quite chill, we just like to clear asteroid belts, earn ISK, and blow up ships!
-We have recently joined a rather established Alliance, so our network is growing rapidly.
What we do: -As a corp., at the moment, we mainly do mining and manufacturing, and try to do as much pvp as we can.
-Mining: We have members who can offer Orca boosts, and compression in mining fleets.
-Besides mining and pvp, many of us also do pve and exploring.
Where:-Shared hangars, and main activities are now based in Molden Heath region.
Communications: -Discord channel, corp. chat,
In applications:
-Please write just a short description of who you are, what you do, and what you are looking for in a corporation! Thanks!CEO, Industry, Recruiting:
Sameraima Irkas Ernaga
Founder, Communications, Recruiting:
Neo Primal Kawasaki