

Internet Terrorists
Name Internet Terrorists
Ticker N0OBZ
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo florrie
Members 3
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98006554

Members [3]


We dont care if you are a bitter vet or a fresh noob. If you want to explode in a glorious ball of fire in the name of lulz then look no furthur!

Casual PVP & PVE

What We Offer

* Nullsec funtimes
* No BS (we left SMA and dont want anymore)
* Hilarious Drama
* Horrible PVP
* Terrible PVE
* Ship replacement/subsidy

What We Want
* Chill space dudes and dudettes
* Not afraid of blowing up
* Active at least once a week
* Willingness to train Alliance doctrines

What We Require
* Microphone
* Team players

Recruitment: Click Here
CEO: Martyr Dienekes

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-09-26 19:59:26
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