

Knights of Azrael
Name Knights of Azrael
Ticker KOAU
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Angel ratamniM
Members 4
Tax Rate 9%
corporationID 98007985

Members [4]


PvP Oriented corp part of Circle-of-Two. Currently we reside in Tribute, we are an experienced group and have explored a variety of different aspects in this game.

-US/EU Timezone
-NBSI Policy
-Alliance PvP Ops
-Alliance SRP
-Experienced Members

If you are looking for a corporation that can give you this kind access and help to achieve the common goals then we might be for you!

Join channel: K.O.A Lounge to get to know us better.

Hottspitta jR (Founder Member,Acting CEO US Tz)
Katara TBE (Founder Member,Director EU Tz,Final Level Boss)

Draven MCcloud / AngelofDeath666 (CEO US Tz) (Currently busy with RL)

-Full API Verification

Last Update: 21/8/2015 D:M:Y

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-18 08:57:45
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API J:18 Dec 11:21 K:18 Dec 11:21 C:18 Dec 12:01 A:18 Dec 12:15 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:18 Dec 11:50 S:18 Dec 11:32 W:18 Dec 11:15