

Knights of Xel'Naga
Goonswarm Federation
Name Knights of Xel'Naga
Ticker XKOJ
Alliance Goonswarm Federation
Faction -
Ceo Xelina Tsukiyomi
Members 8
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98388559

Members [8]


Recruiting: FORBIDDEN!

Candidate Memebers:

1.To be Friendly and respectful as much to their future corpmates, as to people outside the corp.
2.Follow the instructions of the CEO, because they are made to help you in your development.
3.Do NOT talk in "LOCAL" nor to any other randome persons. It is highly posible to actualy cours a WarDec on the corporation. You can be kiked if that course a wardec
4.You must Provide API. Here is an Example:
5.Be comunicative and active player so to rise faster in the herarsy of the Corp.

When you are Accepted, you will be with rank Member:
As a Memeber you are haveing access to Corp Chat and to Mining Boost Fleet in Jerma.
Along with those the following benefits are be aveable:
1. Access to Ore/Ice/Gas/ Buy Program - [Est.Price - 5%]
//Note: In NPC corp all taxes are 11%, in market is also higher then 5%.
2. Salvage and Unwanted Items Buy Program
3. Small Ship Replacement Program (SSRP)
4. Access to Corp gifts for achieved training:
//For Mining Barge you get Procurer ; For Logi Training: Augoror ; for Basic Battle: Maller
5. Minerals Sell Program
6. Voiting Power: 1
//Requirements: Candidat Member's 5 points completed

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-18 08:32:27
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