

Loona's Loonatics
Citizen's Star Republic
Name Loona's Loonatics
Ticker N8WLF
Alliance Citizen's Star Republic
Faction -
Ceo Loona's Slave
Members 13
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98758592

Members [13]


u' \u256b-\u2665-Do you have what it takes to become a LOONATIC? Let\'s get hunting...-\u2665-\u256b

We specialize in the gathering of Lo-sec, Wormhole, and High-sec Ore and Ice.
Special Fleet operations, special contracts, and active PVP / PVE Operations.

Proud member of the Citizen Star Republic

\u2665 Contact for Information and Applications: Loona Stromfall \u2665'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-22 09:22:08
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