A very laid back corp looking for mature veteran and newbro players.
Currently Accepting Players Interested In* Piracy
* Low Sec Combat
* Null Sec Combat
* Fleet Warfare
* Industry (Can't pew pew without ships, ammo and modules)
What We Offer* Active, tight knit group of players
* Real life always comes first
* Veterans that have played for roughly 13-15+ years
* Skill Plans for Newbro Players
* SRP (Ship Replacement Program) for PvP content fleets
Requirements* A microphone for Discord! This is a must for fleet content. If you can listen that is fine at the very minimum but you must be in comms during organized content events.
* 18+ years of age
* A willingness to learn and accept constructive criticism
* A sense of humor, we're all adults here, let's enjoy the game and one another's company.
If interested please apply to the corp detailing your interests or desires within the game or reach out to a recruiter directly via DM or Eve Mail in-game.
Nero Mikakka |
Warrior Bambino |
Hadrick Dekker