

Ophion's Curse
Name Ophion's Curse
Ticker OPHIO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Jade Nightshade
Members 3
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 1398941585

Members [3]


:: Stationed in the Lonetrek region, within a veritable hub of numerous agent opportunities.
:: Committed to providing a helpful, respectful environment for pilots of all backgrounds.
:: Committed to taxing only as necessary (currently 3%).
:: Engaged in fleet missions of all levels 1-4.

Ophion's Curse operates in the Lonetrek region with a focus on mission running in preparation for engaging in PvP at a later date. We are currently recruiting; please see Amon Avincitas for details.

"He [Orpheus] sang of . . . how, in the beginning, Ophion and Eurynome, daughter of Okeanos, governed the world from snow-clad Olympos; how they were forcibly supplanted, Ophion by Kronos, Eurynome by Rhea; of their fall into the waters of Okeanos; and how their successors ruled the happy Titan gods." -Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 1. 498 ff (trans. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.)

After banishing Ophion the Serpent into the murky waters of Okeanos, the gods presumed he would never return. However, Ophion, Master of Cunning, would not be so easily cast aside. As Kronos basked in the glory of Ophion's defeat, The Serpent was preparing for his rebirth.

We, the Curse, the Ophionides, come to redeem the name of The Snake. In his reemergence, Ophion shall be as glorious as he was eons past. A titan among gods, a god among men.

We are no fools, we are no imbeciles. We know the road shall be treacherous, but our determination is unbreakable, our minds focused. For we have wisdom beyond our years.

We know intimidation, but we are not terrorists.
We know independence, but we are not anarchists.
We know respect, but we are not communists.
We understand, Ophion. Power is nothing without purpose.

Ophion stood for one thing above all else: the sanctity of the mind as a conduit for self-gain. He understood the essence of humanity better than a human ever could. The essence of Life. The essence of Us.

Ideologies have no place here. Only logic. Only Truth.

With respect, with passion, with honesty,
Amon Avincitas

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-01-03 20:03:21
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