

Name P.I.A.
Ticker P.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 8%
corporationID 387796562

Members [0]


Mostly focused in the Essence region, PIA is focused on the prosperity and protection of its members. More of a moderately knit group of like-minded individuals. We strive to develop an infrastructure based around the philosophy that simplicity is the path of prosperity in all forms. We are self-aware, reflexive, and our minds are our tools that strip away the illusions of order and chaos.

Within EvE, our space is a world of violence & conflict. Only through perseverance and teamwork may we still our place in the celestial waters to make room for our prosperity, safety, and freedom. We as a group or individuals cannot control that water, but we may train ourselves to swim those torrents as a school of fish, for the mutual gain and protection of each member. We do not seek to create conflict, we seek to bypass and overcome it.

PIA Accepts members from all walks of life, of any experience or absence thereof, with exclusion to those who seek unnecessary and costly violence. The benefits of membership include training (if required), loss coverage (when involved in corp activities), profit sharing, and companionship.

Every pilot, be they Miner, Trader, Researcher, Manufacturer, and/or Combatant choses their own level of involvement and trust, rank, and the amount of aid received reflect this. Primary goals & activities of the corp at the moment are Gallente Standings Development (mostly supported by mission running as a fleet) and Group Mining Operations. We chose Gallente space because as a faction they are a beacon of freedom and personal development in this great void, though all races are welcome and may apply.

As we are a corporation that stresses the importance of teamwork and communication, we require all applicants have, or make efforts to quickly obtain the proper tools of com protocol. A headset and Ventrilo communications are required. This eliminates to a great degree the miscommunication in operations and conflict and allows us to provide timely aid to one another.

Strength in numbers, Power in one.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2021-03-04 05:45:10
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