Name |
Red Fly Corporation |
Ticker |
Alliance |
- |
Faction |
- |
Ceo |
lakesor |
Members |
6 |
- |
Tax Rate |
5% |
corporationID |
617200448 |
Members [6]
En Fran\xe7ais \u2193
- Langage officiel : Fran\xe7ais
- Les anglophones sont les bienvenues pour ceux qui maitrisent le fran\xe7ais.
- Ouvert aux nouveaux joueurs et anciens.
- Formation et aide.
- \xcatre pr\xe9sent sur le Discord Corporation, lorsque connect\xe9 en jeu et dans la Zone Corporation. (Obligatoire)
- Pas de joueur Alpha
- RBL ( Red By Last ) non admis
- R\xe8gle du NRDS
But d\'une Corporation:
- Jouer ensemble.
- Discuter sur le serveur vocal.
- Agir ensemble.
- Prendre des initiatives et ne pas rester dans son coin.
- S\'int\xe9grer pour une meilleure exp\xe9rience en jeu et grandir ensemble.
Activit\xe9s: ( En 0.0 principalement )
- Minage.
- Industrie.
- PVE.
- PVP.
In English \u2193
- Official language: French.
- English speaking are welcome for those who master French.
- Open to new players and former.
- Training and assistance.
- Pr\xe9sent to our Discord when connected in game. (Required)
- No player Alpha.
- RBL ( Red By Last ) not allowed.
- NRDS Rule.
Purpose of Corporation:
- Play together.
- Chat on the voice server.
- Act together.
- Take initiatives and not stay in their corner.
- To integrate for a better experience in game and to grow together.
Activities: (In 0.0 mainly)
- Mining.
- Industry.
- PVE.
- PVP.'
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-01-03 07:28:11