

Saltatio Vita
Memento Moriendo
Name Saltatio Vita
Ticker S.V.
Alliance Memento Moriendo
Faction -
Ceo My Crabs
Members 66
Tax Rate 2.5%
corporationID 98079422

Members [66]


[S.V.] Saltatio Vita "The Dance of Life"
S.V is harder to get in to than a *Insert Hillarious Joke Here*

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-18 08:20:47
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API J:18 Feb 19:57 K:18 Feb 19:43 C:18 Feb 20:28 A:18 Feb 20:27 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:18 Feb 20:19 S:18 Feb 19:32 W:18 Feb 20:15