

Xeno Gallio Excavation's
Name Xeno Gallio Excavation's
Ticker XGES
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Treadsteel Carbide
Members 1
Tax Rate 4.9%
corporationID 98410228

Members [1]


XGE is dedicated to Minning in High Sec currently.

We are dedicated to learning all we can and then dispersing that knowledge among our members. We are currently based in highsec while we skill/build up for our move into null sec upon finding a suitable alliance.

Recruitment: {Open}

Things we offer:

Free freigher service to move all your stuff in high sec to our Corporate HQ.

Nightly mining and exploration fleets!

Teamspeak to chill out in.

Free skillbooks, if you need them we have or can aquire them.

Ship Purchasing Assistance, SPA is a new program we are launching to assist members in getting that dream ship, within reason if we see that you have the skills and want said ship we will help with buying it.

If you'd like to know more, please swing a mail to the following members: Leo Gallio XenoProject Zhao

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-16 21:34:48
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