
NPC Corporation

Mordu's Legion
Mordu's Legion Command
Name Mordu's Legion
Ticker MLG
Faction Mordu's Legion Command
Home 5ZXX-K
Agents 10
Members 27
TaxRate 0%

Members [27]


Mordu's Legion is a mercenary corporation that operates outside Caldari and Gallente space, hired by respectable companies such as ORE to protect their operation. Originally the members of the legion were mostly Intakis and Caldari, but lately they've started accepting members from most races.
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API J:08 Feb 02:34 K:08 Feb 02:31 C:08 Feb 02:00 A:08 Feb 03:09 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:08 Feb 02:46 S:08 Feb 02:23 W:08 Feb 02:15