System Share

Name UniverseMap 8FN-GP Planets 7 Jumps 1h/24h 4 137
Region UniverseMap Detorid Moons 45 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation 3R-BJL Belts/Icebelts 11 NPC Kills 12 222
Security Level -0.51 Security Class F3 Pod Kills 0 0
Alliance, Corp Legion of xXDEATHXx <X.I.X>, Legion of xXDEATHXx Support Local Pirates Angels
Minerals Bistot, Hedbergite, Hemorphite, Scordite, Spodumain, Veldspar, Gneiss, Omber (not accurate)

Celestial Object: 8FN-GP V

Planet Type Planet (Gas)
Density 1393.41 g/cm³
Eccentricity 0.192
Escape Velocity 46.897 km/s
Mass Dust 8.745e+26 kg
Mass Gas 7.824e+26 kg
Orbit Period 342.4 days
Orbit Radius 3.069 AU
Pressure 456.93 kPa
Radius 53,060 km
Surface Gravity 20.667 m/s²
Temperature 52.51 K
Aqueous Liquids
Base Metals
Ionic Solutions
Noble Gas
Reactive Gas
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API J:27 Sep 10:22 K:27 Sep 10:22 C:27 Sep 10:01 A:27 Sep 11:08 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Sep 10:48 S:27 Sep 10:20 W:27 Sep 10:15