Alliance Share

Independent International Corporations
Name Independent International Corporations
Ticker I.I.C
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2009-07-16
Closed 2016-03-24
AllianceID 1035668734





We are looking for more corporations for the extension fo the Allianz.
Wir suchen weitere Corps für den Weiterausbau der Allianz.

Kontakt: Lattisa

Plus points for our members / Plus-Punkte für unsere Member:

Access to 0.0-Space / Zugang zu 0.0-Gebiet
Jumpclone-Servic / Sprung-clone Service

Our Members make home (0.0/ Low / High Sec/ Wormhole) in several pars / Zuhause in mehrern Regionen (0.0 / Low / High Sec / Wormhole) betreiben die Mitgliedscorporations:

- Mining (Ice + Ore)
- Produktion (T1, T2, T3, Capital)
- PVE (Missionrunning)

- Wormhole-Exploiration
- Ausflüge ins 0.0

- for newbies we have qualified trainers / Für Neulinge haben wir qualifizierte Trainer.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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