Alliance Share

Hope of German Defence
Name Hope of German Defence
Ticker HOGD
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2009-04-01
Closed 2012-05-06
AllianceID 1275900386

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [25]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
DIE MEUTE 661 1 2009-04-02 21:23:00 2009-04-27 21:00:09
Allied Assault ALLIE 3 2009-04-02 15:23:00 2009-04-27 21:00:09
Helios Alliance HACE 11 2009-04-02 12:23:00 2009-05-22 15:02:03
German Space FactoryDead -GSF- 0 2009-04-02 08:29:00 2009-07-20 15:02:03
A Thorn Industries Corporation A THO 4 2009-10-08 16:08:00 2009-11-04 16:02:03
Hardcore-Gilde H.C.G 18 2009-09-23 20:38:00 2009-11-28 20:54:03
V.I.P Industries VIPI 10 2009-11-07 07:50:00 2009-11-29 02:54:18
House of the black StarsDead HOTBS 0 2009-09-21 09:43:00 2009-12-28 17:59:22
ZETT DigiCorp Industries ZDCI 1 2010-01-22 22:05:00 2010-10-24 19:50:26
Dark Orbit Outsiders Industrie CorporationDead DOOIC 0 2010-10-26 20:28:00 2011-01-26 18:09:17
Star System OperatorsDead SYSOP 0 2011-04-27 07:44:00 2011-04-30 12:45:05
Die RebellenDead XXDRX 0 2011-08-02 15:01:00 2011-09-14 21:57:11
Omega Cerberus inc. OMCBI 1 2011-07-19 20:45:00 2011-10-20 20:31:50
Gamers of EternityDead GOET 0 2011-10-24 21:01:00 2011-11-21 21:09:11
Gamers of EternityDead GOET 0 2011-12-02 09:13:00 2011-12-17 15:27:45
Dark Orbit Outsiders Industrie CorporationDead DOOIC 0 2011-01-29 20:59:00 2011-12-17 15:27:45
German Production Research and DevelopmentDead GPRD 0 2011-07-26 09:39:00 2012-01-03 05:10:46
The forgotten Soldiers TFORS 7 2011-07-24 20:02:00 2012-01-16 06:57:52
StaubKinder STKD 4 2011-10-21 20:18:00 2012-01-16 06:57:52
Gamers of EternityDead GOET 0 2011-12-27 22:47:00 2012-01-16 06:57:52
Dark Orbit Outsiders AkademieDead DOOA 0 2011-09-10 11:50:00 2012-02-02 09:54:20
ODEM Financial Service Inc.Dead ODEM 0 2009-04-02 09:29:00 2012-04-10 20:55:11
Dark Orbit Outsiders Industrie CorporationDead DOOIC 0 2011-12-19 22:03:00 2012-04-17 20:08:58
Dark Orbit Outsiders Military CorporationDead DOEIC 0 2009-04-01 00:01:00 2012-04-25 07:27:16
Independent ScientistsDead H-2-O 0 2012-04-10 18:18:00 2012-05-06 12:08:50
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