Alliance Share

Independent Faction
Name Independent Faction
Ticker INDY
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2007-10-30
Closed 2017-07-13
AllianceID 1662494689





"The growth of the Alliances has made work for the independents more difficult every year... Come a day, there won't be room enough for naughty <peeps> like us to slip about at all,... so here's us, on the raggedy edge. Don't push us and we won't push you...."

We are the Independent Faction. We are a loose collection of independent corporations and pilots, who work together because the Verse is harsh and full of Reavers. We strive to make a difference. Together, we all can.

For all Alliance related matters, contact : WInter Steel.

Public Channel : INDY-Public

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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