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Soldiers of the Forgotten Abyss
Name Soldiers of the Forgotten Abyss
Ticker SFA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2006-11-29
Closed 2010-04-08
AllianceID 668220875

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [50]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Interwarp PlexusDead IWP 0 2008-04-07 12:00:00 2008-04-21 11:00:00
Corporate Sin COSIN 1 2008-01-06 12:00:00 2008-06-10 11:00:00
Celtic Infusion ArmyDead CELTI 0 2008-02-28 12:00:00 2008-06-12 11:00:00
TheGodLikesDead TGLS 0 2008-06-03 12:00:00 2008-07-03 11:00:00
No Mercy To NobodyDead NOMEC 0 2008-06-25 12:00:00 2008-07-09 11:00:00
Blood Eagle Federation B-E-F 7 2008-01-21 12:00:00 2008-08-09 11:00:00
JinTech IndustriesDead JINT 0 2008-01-04 12:00:00 2008-08-14 11:00:00
Illuminated Industries ILLIN 4 2007-12-08 00:44:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
The Element Syndicate ELSYN 5 2008-06-12 22:19:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
Chaos Breeds Opportunity CBOP 7 2008-06-02 02:45:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
Solarian Templars of New Eden S T N 2 2008-05-08 21:18:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
R'n'D. RND. 1 2008-01-07 14:30:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
Ironbrow Industries Co. IIC. 3 2008-02-05 16:42:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
Blood Eagle Mercenary Legion BEML 1 2008-08-06 23:24:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
AAABADead AAABA 0 2008-01-20 05:43:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
Imperial Lampshadic EmpireDead ILE 0 2008-01-23 02:00:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
Corporate Sin COSIN 1 2008-08-03 03:17:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
League Of HerosDead DLUIG 0 2008-07-05 02:12:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
capital blueprint copyingDead CBPCC 0 2007-06-05 18:36:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
TheGodLikesDead TGLS 0 2008-07-31 19:18:00 2008-10-26 16:48:52
Wing CommandersDead WINGC 0 2008-11-11 12:37:00 2008-11-22 21:00:15
THEPVDead THEPV 0 2008-12-03 19:34:00 2008-12-03 21:00:04
Sons of PrometheusDead SO-P 0 2008-11-13 20:55:00 2008-12-09 21:00:04
Cryodyne Inc.Dead -C 0 2008-11-10 22:20:00 2008-12-14 15:02:09
HammerTime Production Group HTPG 1 2008-12-07 18:16:00 2008-12-17 16:04:10
Chaos Breeds Opportunity CBOP 7 2008-11-16 20:54:00 2008-12-18 16:04:09
S.W.GDead S-W-G 0 2008-11-17 20:06:00 2008-12-31 21:00:09
10045th Logistics Battalion 10045 6 2008-11-14 17:49:00 2009-01-05 21:00:03
Solar Flare Assembly SFA1 22 2008-12-24 10:17:00 2009-01-08 15:02:08
care bears on ice CAR 1 2009-01-08 00:09:00 2009-01-08 15:02:08
Wing CommandersDead WINGC 0 2008-12-12 00:24:00 2009-01-09 15:02:08
Celtic Infusion ArmyDead CELTI 0 2008-10-26 21:50:00 2009-01-14 21:00:04
Northern R and D Sciences InstituteDead NRDSI 0 2008-11-05 02:41:00 2009-01-14 21:00:04
Underdog RevolutionDead UDRV 0 2008-12-20 00:03:00 2009-01-18 15:02:08
Astral Core Systems -ACS- 5 2008-11-13 17:55:00 2009-01-18 15:02:08
The Insane Agency T.I.A 9 2008-11-16 20:54:00 2009-01-19 15:02:08
Hunter Killer ClubDead -HKC- 0 2009-01-16 12:35:00 2009-01-23 16:04:08
Sentinels Of JusticeDead .COPS 0 2008-11-13 01:58:00 2009-01-23 16:04:08
Corporate Sin COSIN 1 2008-11-16 20:54:00 2009-01-23 16:04:08
Manhattan Project Inc MNH 7 2008-12-07 01:18:00 2009-01-23 16:04:08
Aegis Tactical Command A-T-C 1 2008-11-13 01:58:00 2009-01-23 16:04:08
Brotherhood of Intergalactic Celestrial Knights BICK 60 2008-11-19 01:01:00 2009-01-23 16:04:08
JinTech IndustriesDead JINT 0 2008-11-07 23:32:00 2009-01-29 15:02:09
Illuminated Industries ILLIN 4 2008-11-07 13:31:00 2009-05-24 21:00:08
R'n'D. RND. 1 2008-11-07 13:31:00 2009-05-24 21:00:08
CooN - BiG Industries COBIG 6 2008-11-08 23:37:00 2009-09-15 15:02:10
Chimera Service and Security CHISS 1 2009-09-16 15:50:00 2009-10-25 22:00:16
CooN - BiG Industries COBIG 6 2009-09-24 17:55:00 2010-03-06 19:24:18
Dropkick MurphysDead DR0KI 0 2010-02-08 21:30:00 2010-04-08 12:30:47
CooN - Management COOON 3 2009-05-07 20:46:00 2010-04-08 12:30:47
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