Alliance Share

League of Reprobates
Name League of Reprobates
Ticker LOREP
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2010-02-26
Closed 2011-12-31
AllianceID 728674284

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [15]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Twisted Turn TT-T 2 2010-04-07 02:52:00 2010-04-08 07:30:36
Liberation Army -KLA- 6 2010-02-28 21:02:00 2010-07-03 16:43:50
EA INDUSTRIES INC. EAID 1 2010-04-08 02:21:00 2010-07-04 02:44:14
Xue Yuan X Y 10 2010-03-27 02:23:00 2010-07-13 00:39:35
Nova ArdourDead -N.A- 0 2010-06-29 18:31:00 2010-07-15 18:53:37
Kolossal IndustriesDead KOLOS 0 2010-06-29 00:02:00 2010-07-16 18:54:41
Silentread LogisticsDead -SRL- 0 2010-07-04 00:01:00 2010-07-16 18:54:41
Templars Of The Maelstrom -TMP- 5 2010-07-13 22:31:00 2010-07-16 18:54:41
Liberation Army -KLA- 6 2010-07-05 16:17:00 2010-07-17 18:55:48
Liberation Army -KLA- 6 2010-11-21 02:43:00 2010-11-21 16:01:18
Liberation Army -KLA- 6 2011-05-07 03:08:00 2011-06-20 15:43:17
Valkyrian Wings Defense CoreDead V4LK 0 2011-09-05 04:49:00 2011-09-05 18:27:21
SON OF RAVANA 7SOR 23 2011-03-20 04:27:00 2011-11-28 21:53:26
Zen Guardian Angels ZNG 33 2010-12-30 04:43:00 2011-12-31 11:36:54
LOREP Holdings LHOLD 2 2010-02-26 03:18:00 2011-12-31 11:36:54
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