Alliance Share

Shaolin Empire
Name Shaolin Empire
Ticker TAO
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2009-04-04
Closed 2017-02-12
AllianceID 894532143





Spreading Shaolin Order.

Shaolin is one of the oldest religions in the Universe beginning in 477 AD, long before the discovery of the wormhole that lead to New Eden. Before the close of the wormhole many writings were kept and brought along with new discovery.
Many believers were lost and only a handful of monks trekked into the unknown to spread the teachings of the Tao and enforce Shaolin Order. For Centuries the 7 original monks wrote all they had been taught and generated books and soon full libraries of knowledge that they would spread into the uncharted universe. Eventually many new people wanted to become enlightened and thus turned to the Shaolin Temple for answers. Seeing the unbalance in the universe they became believers and soon took on the order of balancing the universe. The Shaolin Order was born.

Here's a little chi for you:

Before I was born, who was I?
After I am born, who am I?
Respect yourself, and everyone will respect you.
Understand yourself, and everyone will understand you.
There are mirrors all around you:
Strive to see and understand yourself.
Strive to have the heart of a Buddha.
Stop doing bad things, only do good.
Do whatever you can to help others.
In these ways you help yourself.
Help yourself, and you help the universe.

Shaolin Empire is looking for anyone to join for a week a month or a day. Mainly we are weekend warriors, all time zones, and sometimes might not play for a week at a time. If you are looking to have fun get your corporation to join.
[Now excepting applications; EVE-mail Only]

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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