Alliance Share

Budgie Smugglers.
Name Budgie Smugglers.
Ticker TWEET
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-07-17
Closed 2013-12-20
AllianceID 99002276





For all diplomatic and war affairs please contact Tweety Pie

Budgie Smugglers. is a 'Professional' Mercenary Alliance devoted to making your enemies mad and shed tears!


* War dec contracts.

* Low Sec and High Sec Freighter Ops

* 'High Security Space ganking'

* Logistics Support

We dont sit in trade hubs waiting for your targets to show up there, we hunt them hard until there dead or on some occasions until they rage quit the game all together. 'PVP tears best tears' !

Fee's are different for all Jobs we don't usually just give out a standard flat fee as for some targets such as a 7 man corp shouldnt cost you 850mil to have them executed, our prices can't be beat :).

We dec for fun NOT proft


Alliance Public Channel: VWWASTERS

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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