Alliance Share

57th Combat
Name 57th Combat
Ticker 57DIV
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-09-04
Closed 2013-09-05
AllianceID 99002415





Who We Are

Welcome to the home of the 57th Combat Division an Eve Online Alliance. We are an active, New Player Friendly based on a military system. Though we have a strong PVE and PVP grouping we have Industrial members as well. We harvest the ore, make the bullets and bombs, and fire them into our enemy’s faces. We are very organized with Team speak available to members as well as an ever growing Pilot Training Program for new EVE Pilots.


We are Not Blue Shoot It so if you have been attacked by one of our pilots in lowsec that is why. If you have been blasted and feel that you need to vent about it contact Argo nalelmir in game.

If you are interested in becoming blue to our alliance you may also contact Argo Nalelmir in game. This will ensure that your pilots are no longer targeted. We do not fire on blues. We only require you to set us to blue as well and not fire apon our pilots in return. There is not fee or further requirments to be a standard blue for our alliance.

We are also involved with Faction Warfare on the side of the Amarr Empire with our FW Corp They do not follow the same NBSI rules if you have been hit by them and are on our current alliance blue list please contact Argo Nalelmir in game to resolve the issue.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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