Alliance Share

Silent Eviction
Name Silent Eviction
Ticker SIEV
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-11-19
Closed 2016-11-28
AllianceID 99002656





Silent death holds your breath
Stalks you from above the trees
There is no breeze
When death walks in my shoes
Silent, cautious, confident
A brilliant business man
Silent death’s cold embrace
Makes you dizzy
He is always busy
But has time for you
Silent death drowns your body
He isn’t sorry
Silent death looks at you
Underneath the water
Your eyes dilated
Catch a glimpse
Death is silent
Now you embrace it!

Alliance Leader:

Diplomat US: Blood Rooter, DarkSarif
Diplomat EU: Angus Kellar, Ashitaka Edison

Highly Selective Recruitment: Blood Rooter, Angus Kellar

Public Chat: 'Silent Eviction Public'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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