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Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers
Name Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers
Ticker IWCD
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2013-06-18
Closed 2014-06-20
AllianceID 99003377





Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers is a best-selling science fiction comedy novel by Grant Naylor, the collective name for Rob Grant and Doug Naylor, co-creators and writers of the Red Dwarf television series, on which the novel is based. First published in 1989, the novel presents the plotline of the TV series as a cohesive linear narrative, providing expanded backstory of the Red Dwarf world and more fully developing each of the characters, particularly Lister and Rimmer. The book incorporates elements and scenes from the first and second season episodes The End, Future Echoes, Kryten, Me² and Better Than Life. In 1990 the book was followed by a sequel, Better Than Life.
The book has also been released in a 1992 Omnibus Edition and as an Unabridged Audiobook, read by Chris Barrie.

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