Alliance Share

Horny Empire
Name Horny Empire
Ticker NMPHO
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-03-07
Closed 2014-06-30
AllianceID 99004236





We are looking for new pvp corps.
We are a pretty young alliance with big ambitions. We currently live up in Amarr space, Here we are looking to expand our forces and become a respected and prosperous alliance. You will find a very casual and friendly ambient among our alliance. Dont expect continued CTA's but we do demand participation and activity!

What we can offer:
* Scheduled weekly PVP operations.
* Casual PVP along the week.
* Training programs for unexperienced pilots
* Doctrine SRP (Ship Replacement Program)
* A friendly and casual environment to play in

What we need:
* Ambitious & Active pvp pilots.
* Motivated new players (New Pilot Friendly)
* More experienced players.
* Participating players.
* Corporations Industry and/or PVP Focused

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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