Alliance Share

Caesars Legion
Name Caesars Legion
Ticker FESFS
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2014-07-18
Closed 2014-09-07
AllianceID 99004618





I have seen our peoples future in my dreams. No not dreams, nightmares. Vast, expansive towers streching toward the sky. Legionnaires throwing the vagrants down from the towers to the darkness below. Wailing as they fall. Faceless, fearless Legionnaires go room to room, Untill there is no one left. They are not snuffing the residents, they are saving them. Now I have to ask you, may we save you?

Combat Prowess

Pandemic Legion>Test>Brave>Dryer Lint>Caesars Legion

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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