Alliance Share

Space Mafia.
Name Space Mafia.
Ticker -SMF-
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2015-09-13
Closed 2016-12-15
AllianceID 99005829

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [16]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Hostile Rage Reavers H-R-R 3 2015-10-31 23:30:00 2015-11-12 20:44:29
Nordic Space Vikings -NSV- 3 2015-09-22 08:22:00 2015-11-12 20:44:29
Master Consigliere AFK75 1 2015-09-16 14:30:00 2015-11-26 08:48:10
Jesus And The Jesubots JBOTS 7 2015-10-22 13:21:00 2016-01-01 17:06:34
Perpetual Creation PPCN 1 2015-11-21 01:39:00 2016-02-02 05:12:07
Federal Defense Contracting FEDDE 1 2015-11-09 18:15:00 2016-02-04 21:37:58
Lei Ombra Degli MafamigliaDead MUFN 0 2015-10-31 06:01:00 2016-03-04 06:02:40
Hostile Rage Reavers H-R-R 3 2016-01-08 08:40:00 2016-03-28 19:04:49
Somalian Army of Surgeons - SAS 2 2015-10-31 22:30:00 2016-03-28 19:04:49
P.A.N.I.C PAN. 5 2015-09-24 14:50:00 2016-03-28 19:04:49
MarmyDead MRMY 0 2016-02-27 10:13:00 2016-06-24 17:52:29
BLOPSEC BL0PS 85 2016-08-22 17:06:00 2016-09-25 23:01:28
Passion For Eve P.F.E 3 2015-11-02 21:19:00 2016-11-14 22:53:02
AFK Mafia AFK76 174 2015-09-13 17:00:00 2016-12-15 12:11:02
zipzopzubbityBLOPS ZIP69 5 2016-04-23 14:38:00 2016-12-15 12:11:02
Songs By The Camp Fire SBTCF 10 2016-05-20 01:30:00 2016-12-15 12:11:02
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