Alliance Share

Name Overheat.
Ticker H3AT
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2015-10-12
Closed 2016-07-25
AllianceID 99005903





Recruiting Corporations.

We live mainly around gallente space and focus on helping new players into the game. We have many corps that do a range of things from pvp to mining to pve.

Refit for thermal / Overheat. Strongly believe in making a casual, real life comes first community without sacrificing activity.

So what do we actually offer?

- Activity across all Tz's (Including comms)
- Frequent PvP roams
- PVP and PVE training / help for newbro's
- PVE fleets with mining fleets soon to come
- No API, no drama, it's a game afterall!

Hit up
Phased Plasma , Gian Bal or if you are interested in joining or have any questions.

Be sure to follow us on twitter!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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