Alliance Share

Ticker TRV
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2016-03-23
Closed 2017-09-23
AllianceID 99006289

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [30]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Outer Space Pioneers OSP- 1 2016-08-04 17:46:00 2016-08-14 23:53:30
Panoptic 0PT1C 3 2016-08-23 18:52:00 2016-08-30 18:38:01
The Mad Monkeys MADDD 18 2016-03-23 23:52:00 2016-11-20 08:57:30
Unknown Soldiers UNSOL 2 2016-05-16 08:54:00 2016-11-29 11:28:02
THE STUDS NSTUD 180 2016-10-04 04:55:00 2016-12-05 18:16:59
Adam's Brotherhood TIZCA 577 2016-10-04 04:55:00 2016-12-05 18:16:59
Umbra SyndicateDead ARMBU 0 2016-12-12 05:31:00 2017-01-01 01:49:25
IcenOre ICENO 10 2016-05-26 22:28:00 2017-01-08 10:44:16
Mission Ready Mining MRMNG Fly Fearless 3252 2016-11-17 17:39:00 2017-01-17 01:51:23
U.S. Marine Corp Mining Industry LCPL 8 2016-12-07 18:46:00 2017-01-28 00:38:02
Ethos Mythos Pathos EMPAT 5 2016-09-24 20:48:00 2017-01-29 03:40:02
Savannah Logistics SAVLO 46 2016-11-28 00:35:00 2017-03-01 22:10:11
Military WormholersDead MI-WH 0 2017-01-06 17:28:00 2017-03-07 17:16:59
Northern Shrikes NSHRI 19 2017-05-19 22:43:00 2017-05-28 18:59:45
MotsuFleet Logistics MOTSU 5 2016-06-15 18:10:00 2017-05-28 23:50:18
UPS Frieght UPSF 8 2016-12-06 22:19:00 2017-05-29 05:18:05
Planetarium Services LTD.Dead PLSRV 0 2017-05-25 21:43:00 2017-05-31 18:04:46
Vibez Ltd -VBZ- 21 2017-04-05 15:42:00 2017-06-16 02:42:58
IcenOre ICENO 10 2017-01-12 21:17:00 2017-06-16 08:22:52
The Rising Stars Knights TRGSK Fly Fearless 10 2016-05-16 06:54:00 2017-07-17 01:06:19
Broken Bait B8. 1 2017-05-24 14:59:00 2017-07-17 20:08:27
Deadly Forgotten LegendsDead -DFL 0 2016-09-18 07:51:00 2017-08-19 11:28:56
Hydra Command HYCOM 8 2016-08-23 18:52:00 2017-09-23 11:27:13
Br0wn Coat5 WA5H The Gorram Shiney Alliance 226 2016-11-22 19:12:00 2017-09-23 11:27:13
delSanto Corporation DELSA 4 2016-11-01 14:40:00 2017-09-23 11:27:13
Beak Enterprises -BEAK 139 2017-02-03 00:53:00 2017-09-23 11:27:13
2HU in spess 2HUZ 9 2017-04-05 15:42:00 2017-09-23 11:27:13
Hecate's Wolves HPACK 7 2016-07-01 20:50:00 2017-09-23 11:27:13
UNITED SOCIETY GAMING COMMUNITY USGC. 4 2016-10-29 17:42:00 2017-09-23 11:27:13
Dot.Inc D.INC 297 2016-03-25 22:20:00 2017-09-23 11:27:13
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