Alliance Share

Voxis Accord
Name Voxis Accord
Ticker VOXIS
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2016-05-28
Closed 2017-07-28
AllianceID 99006547





The empires of New Eden have long fought over inches of territory and the misgivings of diplomatic trust. This status quo of paranoia has led to a stagnation in the landscape of null security space, forcing out independent thinkers and establishing a “yes-men” discourse.

From the malcontent with the establishment, a group of like-minded corporations set about forging their own path into the black. Under the charters of The Voxis Accord, these corporations formed their own alliance, based on strong community and collective advancement.

With a healthy mix of warrior spirit and industrial ingenuity, they are destined to find their place among the stars. Their goals extend far, but morale is high, and all of New Eden is ripe for the taking.

Alliance executor:
Ethan Zoromir

Recruitment / diplomats: Ethan Zoromir, Salinity Now

Public chat: Voxis Accord

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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