Alliance Share

Peoples United Republic Empire
Name Peoples United Republic Empire
Ticker -PUR-
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2016-07-02
Closed 2017-07-30
AllianceID 99006649





About one thousand years before the onset of the dark age of the galaxy. An ancient order of malevolent space dwellers and corporations were defeated shortly after their birth what was called “Hundred-Years of Darkness” and where driven into hiding, but the then galactic government, known as the "Old Republic" also fell from there dominance. Following the collapse of that government and a full-scale war, a number of solar systems united, founding a successor state called the Peoples United Republic Empire. As its governing body the newly reorganized government established a union of established corporations. The members of which were elected to represent their systems and peoples. The Republic's capital was installed into a system in which there alliances had already existed for several years and they grew.

The Republic's head of state Demortis was elected by and from a long line of Corporations and a longer line of Leaders. Protecting the new Democracy was most important and could be seen patrolling Molden Heath and came to be seen as symbols of strength and unity, especially considering the fact that there was no standing army for the first few centuries of the Republic. In time an organization of protectors who could tap into Null Sec skills, came to serve the Republic as guardians of peace and justice. With the lack of a standing army, the Republic came to rely on its peacekeeping Judicial Forces, led by the alliances as the de-facto law enforcement branch of the government. The alliance members of which who were simply known as our trainers, trained within Null Sec and Low Sec came to serve in both ground and space forces, often led by Capital Commanders to maintain peace throughout the galaxy.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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