Alliance Share

Name Reeloaded.
Ticker REE
Faction -
Members 445
Corporations 15
Founded 2021-12-18
AllianceID 99011268

Corporations [15]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)Greybird Syndicate G5P0T 5 2021-12-18 22:23:21
Reeloaded Holdings REEH 1 2021-12-21 08:46:03
Greybird Properties REEG 1 2021-12-22 06:01:03
Lost in the Light LO5T 1 2021-12-22 11:15:56
Crimson. .CREE 1 2021-12-29 16:30:58
Interstellar Evolved IMEVO 33 2024-01-11 03:01:06
Kiith Paktu PAK2 38 2024-01-11 06:01:06
I N T I P E R 16 2024-01-12 19:01:41
Reeloaded .REE 12 2024-01-13 09:01:02
Evian Industries EVIAN 251 2024-01-13 12:01:06
Skybert Organization SKYB 19 2024-05-10 10:01:01
Wholesale Industrial Supply Co. WSISC 19 2024-05-14 05:01:01
Most Valuable Capsuleers MVPOD 14 2024-06-27 18:15:19
Lords of Pheed PHEED 15 2024-07-13 02:00:59
Darktrace PR0W1 19 2024-08-09 16:46:01

Former Corporations [31]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
The PodiumDead PDUM 0 2022-01-08 07:16:01 2022-03-09 23:16:01
GreentomeDead RGB. 0 2022-05-28 04:00:48 2022-06-22 16:01:00
Veldspar Shadows VSHAD 5 2022-08-14 01:00:10 2022-08-31 23:01:01
Dark Interstellar Quantum Travelers Inc DIQTI 1 2022-01-24 06:00:37 2022-12-05 10:00:27
Polish Radioactive Unicorns -PLN- 13 2022-10-01 06:01:03 2023-01-31 20:46:02
Watchdogs Militarum DOG-M 6 2023-01-26 09:30:31 2023-02-16 18:16:00
STA'IN JOGON 48 2022-10-31 04:01:00 2023-02-26 00:30:59
Brothers of Tartarus BOTAR 1 2023-03-11 02:46:01 2023-04-06 03:45:26
Apostles. APOS. 7 2023-02-25 17:31:02 2023-06-13 11:16:00
Black Ashes BLKAH 47 2023-07-12 05:16:03 2023-08-31 02:01:08
Dystopian Angels D-ANG Sleep Reapers 109 2023-05-15 00:01:02 2023-09-12 03:15:04
Inglorious Fury INGFU 6 2023-05-31 07:45:33 2023-09-16 06:31:01
Gem Industries Inc. GEM I 12 2023-03-06 02:46:01 2023-09-18 05:31:00
Advantageous Sphincter Stretchers ..ASS 6 2023-08-19 11:53:37 2023-09-25 04:01:00
Obsidian Engineering ACTEE Dracarys. 121 2021-12-31 23:16:01 2023-11-05 21:45:19
I N T I P E R Reeloaded. 16 2021-12-22 11:15:56 2023-11-07 01:31:00
Evian Industries EVIAN Reeloaded. 251 2021-12-29 05:16:03 2023-11-07 04:31:03
Grey Toxic Sword G T S Shadow Ultimatum 29 2021-12-31 01:31:02 2023-11-07 07:31:05
No-Mercy NO-M Shadow Ultimatum 101 2021-12-29 04:16:00 2023-11-07 08:30:59
ArMoUrErS AMUES Dracarys. 39 2023-09-12 05:30:21 2023-11-07 14:46:06
Project Omega Industries WEL-P Fraternity. 189 2021-12-30 03:00:25 2023-11-08 00:16:03
Interstellar Evolved IMEVO Reeloaded. 33 2023-09-04 08:01:01 2023-11-09 01:00:58
Reeloaded .REE Reeloaded. 12 2023-11-05 00:01:00 2023-11-09 02:01:03
Kiith Paktu PAK2 Reeloaded. 38 2023-02-16 07:46:02 2023-11-10 16:16:02
Ska'reb's Heavy Industries Inc. SRHII Shadow Ultimatum 17 2023-02-28 21:16:02 2023-11-10 22:46:03
Folkvangr. FVKR 2 2023-03-09 07:46:02 2024-01-10 06:01:05
Reeloaded Imports REE-I Red Alliance 1 2023-04-25 00:01:00 2024-01-22 21:30:34
The MorningStar. Syndicate TMSS. 15 2024-02-07 23:01:01 2024-02-17 11:02:06
Los Larrys LRRYS 14 2024-05-04 23:15:13 2024-07-10 22:31:00
The Meowfia ME0WF 6 2024-07-11 22:45:44 2024-07-24 08:01:04
The W.O.L.F VV0LF What Could Possibly Go Wr0ng 129 2024-02-19 20:01:44 2024-07-24 21:00:59
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