Alliance Share

Same Great Taste
Name Same Great Taste
Ticker 0-CAL
Faction -
Members 2
Corporations 1
Founded 2019-07-24
AllianceID 99009333

Corporations [1]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)Sodi Pops Distribution Center SODIC 2 2019-08-21 21:30:54

Former Corporations [9]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
invalid -N.A Pirate Coalition 13 2019-07-24 23:12:12 2019-08-02 18:00:18
Invicta. INVT Advocated Destruction 19 2020-01-23 22:31:04 2020-02-02 20:15:59
R.I.P.D .RIPD 11 2019-07-26 00:46:07 2020-03-22 17:00:49
The Green Machine .TGM. That Escalated Quickly. 17 2020-01-14 18:46:05 2020-04-21 19:30:19
Mea Culpa. MEA C Shadow Cartel 52 2020-01-04 21:46:05 2020-05-11 20:01:00
Czarna-Kompania C-Z Czarna-Kompania. 149 2020-02-06 19:31:04 2020-05-22 08:45:18
project HAVEN PROHN 16 2019-09-11 17:31:00 2020-05-24 23:46:50
The Congregation RABIS RAPID HEAVY ROPERS 55 2019-07-26 17:00:26 2020-06-12 23:31:06
Deep In Structure -DIS. 5 2019-11-19 15:46:48 2021-08-05 21:16:00
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API J:22 Dec 13:22 K:22 Dec 13:21 C:22 Dec 12:01 A:22 Dec 13:33 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Dec 13:21 S:22 Dec 13:35 W:22 Dec 13:25