Alliance Share

Talocan United
Name Talocan United
Ticker TALUN
Faction -
Members 7
Corporations 1
Founded 2011-03-14
AllianceID 99000481

Corporations [1]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)Talocan Dominion TLDMN 7 2011-11-04 11:09:00

Former Corporations [95]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Talocan Movement Inc. TMOVE 1 2011-03-15 16:33:00 2011-03-22 15:05:38
Farscape Inc.Dead F-A-R 0 2011-03-15 16:33:00 2011-04-14 06:39:48
Talocan BlackDead TABLK 0 2011-04-13 15:30:00 2011-04-30 17:30:11
Talocan Island DwellersDead TIDR 0 2011-04-11 13:11:00 2011-05-01 08:42:22
Omni Industrial CoalitionDead OIDC 0 2011-03-22 12:28:00 2011-05-03 14:52:20
The State TSTE 6 2011-04-18 12:19:00 2011-05-11 14:49:45
Talocan SingularityDead TASIG 0 2011-03-15 16:33:00 2011-05-16 17:25:10
Mujahideen of the Purple Parrots MUJA 2 2011-05-07 08:38:00 2011-05-23 06:28:55
Talocan Movement Inc. TMOVE 1 2011-03-27 17:19:00 2011-05-29 03:43:59
The RockHounds Miners Union TRHMU 2 2011-05-07 07:38:00 2011-06-03 05:22:26
Peek-A-Boo BombersDead B000 0 2011-05-27 14:12:00 2011-06-03 13:55:34
Darkwing Mob DMOB 1 2011-05-14 23:07:00 2011-06-09 03:55:37
Trinity Armaments TRINA 7 2011-06-12 15:11:00 2011-06-21 01:13:29
Talocan Event Horizon TALEH 10 2011-03-26 18:58:00 2011-07-01 15:28:47
N00BS R US N4B 29 2011-05-11 11:47:00 2011-07-05 17:21:37
Allegience Of The Blue PhoenixDead AOTBP 0 2011-05-11 07:55:00 2011-07-30 22:55:41
Rogue Process TerminatorsDead RPTRM 0 2011-06-05 16:08:00 2011-08-02 15:33:06
Careless Ltd. CTRL. 1 2011-07-06 09:38:00 2011-08-08 11:15:05
Ultio MortisDead ULMRT 0 2011-06-16 10:15:00 2011-08-12 06:23:41
Talocan Scrap Metal and RecyclingDead TASMR 0 2011-05-12 06:47:00 2011-09-12 12:56:31
Cannon Fodders .CF 13 2011-06-20 18:04:00 2011-09-15 08:24:20
Insidious Two NSID2 1 2011-08-21 14:35:00 2011-09-17 05:03:51
DEEP-SPACE CO-OP LTD DEEP- 2 2011-04-02 11:46:00 2011-09-22 12:32:12
Nasty Pope Holding Corp NPHC 3 2011-04-25 14:47:00 2011-09-26 18:12:19
Slim Picking VulturesDead BURDY 0 2011-04-28 07:29:00 2011-09-28 20:34:01
Talocan Movement Inc. TMOVE 1 2011-06-07 01:05:00 2011-09-29 14:37:15
Talocan Strategic Expansion TASEX 4 2011-03-15 15:33:00 2011-10-12 06:30:52
Black River Bay BRBAY 5 2011-06-13 14:50:00 2011-10-15 12:16:03
Fluide Glacial FGFR 1 2011-05-16 15:09:00 2011-10-23 16:56:11
Heretical Innovations HINHO 39 2011-06-24 07:29:00 2011-10-26 09:32:46
Talocan Medical Supplies CorpDead TMSLI 0 2011-03-16 05:33:00 2011-10-27 02:38:48
Talocan Movement Inc. TMOVE 1 2011-10-10 13:18:00 2011-10-27 07:23:49
Sealbreaker Labs SB-L 8 2011-07-25 18:15:00 2011-10-28 11:53:53
1 percent Club 1 PER 2 2011-10-11 03:18:00 2011-10-31 09:15:13
Dead Space Industries DSPIN 7 2011-09-15 15:10:00 2011-11-01 10:54:17
Omeyocan Legion OMGU 7 2011-06-10 16:45:00 2011-11-07 15:07:05
Minnefacturing Moguls MINNM 7 2011-09-29 08:29:00 2011-11-15 05:32:15
Stabber CorpDead STABB 0 2011-06-04 15:10:00 2011-11-16 20:29:28
The Black Enigma OrderDead TBEO 0 2011-03-15 15:33:00 2011-11-18 09:32:50
League of Extraordinary Blaster Trash LEBT 2 2011-08-28 03:47:00 2011-11-30 05:14:21
Talocan Sector Six TASIX 2 2011-03-17 06:55:00 2011-12-18 00:00:58
The Mid Aged Republic JMLF 1 2011-11-10 16:50:00 2011-12-26 06:37:14
Armageddon Industries Reborn A-I-R 6 2011-10-10 16:18:00 2012-01-21 07:47:36
Viral StormFront VISF 1 2011-07-04 13:07:00 2012-01-21 17:17:40
Phearless Naughty and Ugly Scoundrels PNUS 1 2011-07-24 14:04:00 2012-01-23 17:57:37
Nasty Pope Holding Corp NPHC 3 2011-09-28 06:31:00 2012-01-24 16:17:50
Aura. AURA. Aura Federation 3 2011-09-20 17:47:00 2012-02-03 18:12:38
7th Shadow Proclamation 7SPRO 5 2011-08-22 02:35:00 2012-02-18 14:31:32
Insidious Design MERYS 1 2011-04-08 15:52:00 2012-02-25 02:23:37
The Red Pill Taker Group TRPTG 63 2011-06-16 09:15:00 2012-03-06 01:49:30
Frozen Enterprises PHRZN 2 2011-10-10 09:06:00 2012-03-06 02:46:30
Talocan Movement Inc. TMOVE 1 2011-11-04 11:09:00 2012-03-07 14:52:57
Impulsive Anarchy IMPL 7 2011-11-05 13:10:00 2012-03-23 13:48:39
Celerna CELA 1 2011-11-12 15:02:00 2012-03-23 14:45:41
New Earth Planetary Expeditions NEWEP 7 2011-09-30 09:54:00 2012-04-09 04:14:08
Wolf Recon and ExplorationDead -WRE- 0 2011-07-05 06:07:00 2012-04-16 05:11:38
Cat HerdersDead -CATH 0 2011-06-28 13:18:00 2012-04-28 00:43:09
Purdue Engineering and Technology PURDU 13 2011-09-11 16:39:00 2012-04-30 00:13:45
Bikini Bottom Surfer BB.S 5 2011-10-14 17:01:00 2012-04-30 15:37:57
Neos Xemeia XEM 6 2011-07-17 17:33:00 2012-04-30 15:37:57
Talocan Hive THIVE 2 2011-03-18 16:24:00 2012-07-13 15:46:49
Celestial AcquisitionsDead CEAS 0 2012-04-23 16:58:00 2012-07-20 03:56:06
ANCIENT EMPIRE ANCMP 10 2011-05-03 06:37:00 2012-07-29 11:40:43
Look At This Amazing Bullet LATAB 14 2012-02-16 18:16:00 2012-08-31 21:27:27
Ksatra Varuna KSTR 6 2011-05-16 15:09:00 2012-08-31 21:27:27
Nebula 9 N9 9 2011-06-23 11:29:00 2012-10-06 09:54:50
Blackwatch Tactical -XIV- 3 2012-08-19 02:58:00 2012-10-10 06:32:51
TomatoCo. Technologies TCO.T 18 2012-09-19 12:42:00 2012-10-23 17:06:13
Magister Corp MGSC 17 2012-02-19 06:21:00 2012-11-03 09:48:07
Trimen Explorations TRIXS 10 2012-01-13 07:15:00 2012-11-10 13:58:12
Blackreach.Dead -BLR. 0 2012-09-19 12:42:00 2012-11-28 22:40:06
Cold Moon Destruction CLDMN 2 2012-06-01 16:14:00 2012-12-05 04:31:08
Talocan AscendenceDead TALAS 0 2011-05-01 03:02:00 2013-02-06 05:10:25
Dead Sky Inc. DDSI 10 2011-05-26 14:53:00 2013-03-03 15:09:43
Lost World Compagny L-WC 63 2011-05-04 11:53:00 2013-03-04 21:34:22
WH ORE Exploration WH OR 4 2012-11-02 14:03:00 2013-03-14 22:01:23
Not Even Light NELI 4 2012-02-18 16:21:00 2013-04-10 20:19:47
Look At This Amazing Bullet LATAB 14 2012-11-22 13:54:00 2013-04-18 22:12:19
Meritoc Industries Inc. MTCI 8 2012-09-24 02:05:00 2013-05-18 07:42:50
Useless Idea US3 Kybernauts Clade 135 2012-09-18 15:49:00 2013-05-21 01:19:57
Sky Fighters LSKYL Rote Kapelle 35 2011-12-24 17:28:00 2013-05-27 00:58:37
EG CORP EGCOR 14 2011-10-11 03:18:00 2013-05-27 00:58:37
Grumpy Bastards GRUBA 23 2013-01-10 14:01:00 2013-05-27 00:58:37
Saiph Industries SAIPH 33 2012-09-18 19:49:00 2013-05-27 09:31:49
Nobody Expects The Spanish Inquisition. NE5I 2 2013-05-20 18:18:00 2013-05-27 17:07:55
DarkMatter-Industries DKMR 10 2012-09-19 12:42:00 2013-05-27 17:07:55
Crown of Swords CRWND 2 2012-09-19 12:42:00 2013-05-27 23:47:06
4U Services Inc. 4USI 27 2012-03-31 18:09:00 2013-05-28 01:41:08
Sub Par. --PAR 6 2012-09-25 13:01:00 2013-05-31 13:18:48
Balkan Xpress BALX 2 2012-04-09 07:16:00 2013-05-31 13:18:48
Magellan CorporationDead MGLLN 0 2013-05-20 05:08:00 2013-05-31 13:18:48
Orange Juice Destribution OR.D 2 2013-02-06 18:19:00 2013-05-31 13:18:48
Talocan Vanguard TALVA 5 2011-03-14 13:52:00 2013-05-31 13:18:48
Talocan Mining And Industrial TALMI 6 2011-03-16 15:55:00 2013-05-31 13:18:48
Talocan Movement Inc. TMOVE 1 2012-03-16 14:00:00 2013-05-31 13:18:48
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