Alliance Share

Ticker ZERG
Faction -
Members 1089
Corporations 16
Founded 2022-02-21
AllianceID 99011387

Corporations [16]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)Last ZERG Overmind ZERGG 2 2022-02-21 16:21:04
WE ARE ZERGS ZERG1 735 2022-02-22 18:15:37
ZERG HELP SQUAD HELPA 1 2022-05-22 21:31:03
Russo Turiso RUS0 44 2022-10-11 23:00:09
Ergo Bibamus Corporation E B C 15 2022-11-16 23:16:03
Space Community SPC0M 28 2023-03-06 15:16:03
Tomorrow Never Dies -TND- 10 2023-03-24 20:01:00
Quasar ZERG WH QUZWH 48 2023-04-01 12:01:01
Sente. .SNT. 20 2023-06-07 12:16:02
Raven eye Zerg wh REZW 38 2023-06-20 17:00:54
WILD FLAME FIRWI 28 2023-06-20 21:01:38
depression inc. DEPIN 26 2023-07-12 13:00:53
Buldjat inc. BULDJ 24 2023-09-29 20:31:05
Trlil corporation TRLIL 3 2024-02-11 20:30:19
KREEPY KRABS .K-K. 30 2024-03-28 11:46:05
AI Akedia MMTP 37 2024-08-29 17:01:06

Former Corporations [26]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
0000 0100 0001 0001 0X411 27 2022-10-03 15:00:52 2022-10-04 21:31:01
KILL-JOY'S KLL- 5 2023-01-09 18:16:03 2023-01-31 17:31:01
Highway to Heaven 2HVN Empire of xXDEATHXx 139 2023-01-11 14:00:41 2023-02-08 19:16:02
R.I.P. Empire RIP.E 209 2022-10-10 21:01:00 2023-02-09 17:30:52
DERUS BLACKWATER DRBA 168 2022-10-08 09:31:01 2023-02-11 15:00:07
Cat and balls CAT A Empire of xXDEATHXx 38 2022-10-26 06:46:02 2023-02-13 15:31:02
Well-FedDead ..W.F 0 2022-10-31 15:16:01 2023-03-11 13:15:14
404. Corporation 404C Nourv Gate Security Commission 14 2023-01-14 13:16:02 2023-03-19 10:00:42
WE ARE ZERGLINGS ZERGQ 137 2023-04-10 12:01:03 2023-04-11 15:00:59
Lightning wings 1IGHT 4 2023-04-20 16:16:00 2023-05-17 17:01:00
P0NY-SQUAD P0NIS 5 2023-03-20 11:03:14 2023-05-31 16:46:01
Serpents Nest .S-N. 14 2023-10-18 12:30:02 2023-11-07 14:31:06
Apostles. APOS. 7 2023-06-15 11:46:03 2023-12-08 11:05:23
GOA Fleet GOA-F 33 2022-12-29 21:31:45 2024-01-06 06:00:59
Middle East Oil Fund for Special Kids I.BOT 2 2023-04-01 12:01:01 2024-01-27 10:00:54
Sanguinum Umbra Corporation SAN.U 32 2022-12-13 14:15:10 2024-01-27 10:00:54
AI Akedia MMTP ZERG REBORN 37 2023-08-12 14:30:05 2024-02-05 11:01:03
KREEPY KRABS .K-K. ZERG REBORN 30 2023-12-01 22:01:02 2024-03-22 15:00:59
Vekkss Corporation VEKK HOLD MY PROBS 5 2023-08-10 13:45:05 2024-04-12 11:01:01
OPG Hunter OPG H HOLD MY PROBS 52 2022-12-16 15:45:18 2024-04-13 00:01:00
Histerium HIIIH HOLD MY PROBS 59 2024-02-12 10:31:08 2024-04-13 14:01:05
Crab Lovers C.LAW New Horizons all 51 2023-05-01 20:16:01 2024-05-14 18:15:41
Warriors tribe W.T. 46 2024-03-27 19:46:08 2024-05-15 17:31:03
JIOCOCb Corporation JIC12 HOLD MY PROBS 19 2024-03-14 13:01:04 2024-06-12 19:01:05
Chasers Tower CHAT. Can i bring my Drake... 33 2023-03-09 20:16:03 2024-08-02 18:30:30
Fake Filament FAKEF 32 2023-07-01 14:01:02 2024-08-12 20:15:01
PHP MySQL NGINX Webserver Firefox EVE Onlline Twitter @wollari Facebook
API J:13 Oct 07:50 K:13 Oct 07:49 C:13 Oct 08:07 A:13 Oct 08:07 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:13 Oct 07:48 S:13 Oct 07:52 W:13 Oct 07:15