dEDICATED to late night starts and early afternoon kips.
NOSKINS represents that state of mind and body, where nightmares prevail and the trials of ones own will wears weary contrusions into your soul.
RoosterUK - Heavy Assault; Support & Drones
OpusMagnum - BattleShip; Tank & Damage
Spank EZ - Cruiser: Tackle and Damage
Global Ass Bandits AKA
Global Gang Bangers
Corp Quote;
"We are here to make you cry. Our souls are dark like the place we cum from. Like a shodow we stalk you through every step you take. We strike when you least expect.
And we vanish without a trace leaving you bleeding at the edge of your... anus."
Weird peeps...
REPORT|>Overview turns red as two thirds of the newly formed fleet betray there comrades and begin scrambling and targeting allies.
Engage cloak <|End
Bitches XD'