OX66-g 01022111
Research collected above led to the formation of:
KUBARK which led to a number of successive manuals to the original child of MKULTRA such as the BN316 Manual conducted from observations and techniques developed under the Honduran Death Squad BN316 which worked with BN314
The CIA involvement in Latin America led to the:
which smuggled in Cocaine in DC-10s by the tonnage into Mena, Arkansas to fund CIA projects which would require no knowledge or authorization of monies from the US Congress.
The Ultimate Goal of the Cocaine for Black Project funding was to assassinate Pablo Escobar and place a puppet kingpin in his place. The official story of his assassination can be found here:
Tho it is rumored the unofficial story is that a Delta Force Sniper was inserted. Where he finally made a head shot. Then after he was dead he was shot in the leg and chest to support the official story of his demise.
The culmination of MKULTRA was research in mind control.
Where in documents drafted in 1953, Dr Gottlieb proposed a catastophic event could be staged to effectively institute a form of mind control known as FEAR on the entire nation to leverage support for military OPs against strategic war targets.
While staging a physical attack to instill national fear such as happened on 9-11-2001 is achieveable
It is "rumored" a new train of thought is to instill a large scale cyber attack on a future anniversary 9-11 to pursue new strategic targets in the cyberspace arena.
See: The Internet Kill Switch
Which could be secretly turned on to simulate a
DDoS attack on the US govt which would effectively turn off the public DARPANET known as the Internet
for as long as the switch were on.
The attack can be attributed to a Distributed Denial of Service Attack
In which it is revealed a "terror cell of hackers" exists anywhere in the world and military operations can be initiated in the region of the "imaginary terror cell".
Anger is a Gift
And there is nothing to Fear but FEAR itself.
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-08-09 06:31:27