

Name A.S.M.A
Ticker A.S.M
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1578182069

Members [0]


Advanced Salvaging & Mining Association

Recruitment is always open and applications can be submitted at Scolluzer VII - Moon 3 - Federal Navy Academy School. We are currently members of the Knights Collective alliance. We don't have any specific requirements and anyone can do whatever they want.

For more informatino, join us on the A.S.M.A Public channel.

::A.S.M.A Sub-sections::

A.M.S.U - Attached Mining/Salvaging Unit
- Tier 1 Req.: Resource Harvester (Basic), Industry - Prospector (Basic), Production Manager (Basic), Common Ore Refiner (Basic)
- Tier 2 Req.: Resource Harvester (Standard), Industry - Prospector (Standard), Production Manager (Standard), Common Ore Refiner (Standard), Rare Ore Refiner (Basic)
- Tier 3 Req.: Resource Harvester (Elite), Industry - Prospector (Elite), Production Manager (Elite), Refinery Forman (Standard), Ice Specialist (Standard), Common Ore Refiner (Improved), Rare Ore Refiner (Improved) Must be able to fly a Hulk
A.D.U - Attached Destroyer Unit
- "For tier information, members will need to consult with the A.D.U executive."
S.OP - Special Ops
- Special Ops doesn't have specific requirements, only selected members can be in this Unit.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-11-11 16:21:27
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