

The Tannhauser Damned
Name The Tannhauser Damned
Ticker TTD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1783067265

Members [0]


The Tannhauser Damned are now recruiting!!

Who are we?

We are a small corperation founded years ago by a group of friends with a common enjoyment of eve, three of us have just returned to the universe and taken over the running of the corp as we are the only ones left.

We are currently operating in high sec space mainly mission running and a little mining to supply our production needs or to provide isk for new ships.

What are our mission goals?

We are here to enjoy all aspects of the EVE universe, Our first goal is to make new friends and contacts as we have been away for some time and the universe has changed immensely since we left.

What are we looking for?

Currently we are looking for High and Low sec contacts for mission running, exploration or mining runs.

New members of all skill and experiance lvls, miners, mission runners, Explorers, Haulers, processors and pvp'ers for mining defence ops.

If you are interested contact Conall Henge or Planet busta vie PM or eve mail if we are not on line.

How do we roll?

We are pretty easy going and think that you should play the way you want to play, we have a 10% tax rate which covers office costs and allows us to help equip members ships with the correct tools for the job. you are welcome to keep what you kill loot wise, all we ask is that you put any unwanted goodies in the corp hanger for use by others that need them.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2016-07-26 10:28:17
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