

23rd Light Dragoons
The Corcu Loigde Alliance
Name 23rd Light Dragoons
Ticker 23LD
Alliance The Corcu Loigde Alliance
Faction -
Ceo Jon Devighn
Members 15
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1109176350

Members [15]


Light dragoons have always been rather special troops. They were first raised in the middle of the Eighteenth Century for reconnaissance and patrolling - in other words scouting - but soon acquired a reputation for courage and dash in the charge. Originally, each regiment of cavalry formed a light troop, but so successful was the idea that whole regiments were formed. Today, the Dragoons are for the most part strickly an Empire only corporation. Visit our website out of game at

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-22 07:38:55
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