

2nd Battalion 9th Marines Echo Company
Name 2nd Battalion 9th Marines Echo Company
Ticker E29
Alliance -
Faction -
Members 2
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98185752

Members [2]


u'Hal Kado > And I wanna thank my family, my friends, jesus, my dog trainer, the girl at starbucks, my secratary, my parents accountant, the president of nigeria, and anyone who\'s a lesbian, I couldn\'t have done it without all of you!

In July, 2010 Echo Company 2/9 deployed to Marjah, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Their Area of Operation quickly became one of the most kinetic environments in all of southern Afghanistan. Shortly after arriving the company decided to forego the traditional desert tan helmet cover and instead reversed their helmet cover to the green side to help conceal their heads as they moved through the thick vegitation and crop rows. For the next five months the Marines and Sailors of Echo 2/9 fought and bled in northern Marjah. Their efforts effectively brought ISAF control to the area. In December the company was tasked to re-deploy to Sangin, Afghanistan to support 3rd Bn. 5th Marines. By this time Sangin River Valley was the enemy\'s bid for success in Helmand Province and 3/5 had received the highest number of casualties for any Marine unit in all of Afghanistan. The Marines and Sailors of Echo 2/9 kept their green helmet cover, instantly distinguishing them from their 3/5 counterparts. Echo 2/9 entered the battle space with a voracious appetite and immediately began a deadly campaign of clearing the area of enemy fighters. withing days of beginning operations in the area, and dozens of enemy killed, a letter written between two Taliban commanders was discovered near a Patrol Base. It read, "These new Marines, these Green Hats, are from Marjah where they killed many Taliban. They were brought here to kill all the Taliban and are everywhere. They patrol more than any other unit and make it difficult for us to move around and conduct attacks." For the remainder of Echo 2/9\'s deployment in Sangin, the "Green Hats" continud to eradicate the Taliban influence and disrupt enemy operations in the Southern sanctuary, built additional patrol bases and effectively cut off the Taliban\'s last true strong hold in Sangin and Helmand Province. The fear in stilled in the enemy and the identification of the unit by the name "Green Hats" continues to serve as an enduring source of identity and pride for the unit.





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