The Xziles is HIRING
It is the overall goal of The Xziles to successfully run a communistic corporation where all individual needs are supplied by the whole. Some say it isnt possible that the greed of man overcomes all, The Xziles ability to band together is what shall overcome all and what will. None shall stand in the way of our will and those that try shall fall under our combined purpose. It is so possible that a combined effort is greater than any individual effort to attain anything imaginable and if you are willing to prove to the universe that coexistence is more profitable than greed, I urge you to join The Xziles.
Scat - Specialised Combat Assault team - Expert in Close range high speed combat equipped to caputre and subdue while limiting the performance of enemy vessels causing confusion on the field of battle. -(HIRING)-
LIDS - Large Indestructible defensive ships - Expert in nothing other than taking damage and living to talk about it. -(HIRING)-
Racer - Ranged attack combat enforcers - Expert in long range warfare and superior fire power. Equipped for fast tracking, hasty targeting and pin point accuracy with the ability to put out unheard of amounts of damage from afar. -(HIRING)-
Sasser - Supply & Salvaging Specialist - Expert in salvaging wrecks and suppling pilots with ammunition. Equpped to haul large amounts of cargo, salvage expediently and analyze a ships cargo. -(HIRING)-
DIEX - Diplomatic Explorer - Expert in PUblic relations & Deep Space Exploration. Equipped to probe for sites and hidden pilots as well as negotiate trade agreements and safe passage through areas of interest. -(HIRING)-
LEGS - Logistically equipped guard ships - Expert in the repair of friendly ships shields, armor or hulls and/or the recharging of a ships capacitor. With also the ability to analyze enemy ships weak points. -(HIRING)-
Tester - Tactical electronic Superiority Technician - Expert in the use of EWAR. What more neds be said? Equipped to hinder an enemys targeting, tracking, or locking capability and provide essential EWAR support on the battlefield. -(HIRING)-
SEMI's - Scientific Engineering Mineral Industrialist -Expert in mining operation and manufacturing. Equipped to exploit asteroids, gas clouds, ice belts, moon, planets or anything possible to exploit. -(HIRING)-