

United Resistance
Name United Resistance
Ticker UNYTE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 8%
corporationID 479564196

Members [0]


Teamwork is very important when playing this game. When your in our corp, we all depend on each other...not only to help each other but to keep it interesting. we also provide training in various fields. Fun and excitment are an important aspects of this corp. Being active and showing initiave is also welcome and abundant.

We are just group of like-minded people that is trying to play together as a team.

We are not like other corps or alliances we dont require you to have 10 million skill points...only 2m ,we are here to help you grow and teach you on how Eve works.

Here is some of our goals

1. Provide modules and ships to players at a very small price using the corp contract system

2, Go in low sec or zero sec and have fun by pvp'ing

3. doing weekly corp ops and events. (ie.: tournaments, mission , exploration like wormholes or mining ops.)

4. getting soverignty of a solar system and live there permanently.

5. If getting sovereignty is not possible or too high in demand we can start thinking of living in a wormhole permanently which is possible. <-- i've seen it myself and it works.

Eve-mail me for recruitment

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 10:39:30
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